G'day again everyone,
Just wondering if anyone else has been finding Safari starts eating RAM and
processor cycles if left running for too long with lots of windows and tabs
open?  Spinning beachball of death forever.  :-(

Ever since Mac OS X 10.4 I've noticed Safari consuming more RAM than it used
to and pushing Activity Monitor to 100% CPU utilisation.  Force-quitting
Safari brings it all back to normal for a while, though given time, it
starts bogging down again.  I leave Safari open with many windows for days
(weeks) on end.

This last time I counted 25 web pages open as tabs across 3 windows
(although earlier today I had easily double that number of web pages open)
and Safari sat at approx 85% CPU utilisation thus maxing my 1.25GHz 15"
Aluminium Powerbook out at 100% CPU utilisation for perhaps three quarters
of an hour while I tried to do other things.  By quitting other apps I was
able to get about 100MBs of free RAM (green) out of my 2GB of RAM.  Every
now and then CPU utilisation would dip a few percentage points below 100%
and I could click a link or 2 in Safari before it maxed out again and Safari
would stop responding.

After force quitting Safari and re-launching, I opened a similar number of
windows again over 3 or so windows and Safari is staying at a reasonable
2-3% CPU utilisation and I have about 650MB of free RAM.  However, my
experience is that given a day or so and a many more open web pages, it will
bog down again.

So, I wonder if we're talking major memory leaks or what?  Flash problems?
I notice this guy is complaining about similar problems in Safari:

I've experienced this ever since upgrading to OS X 10.4 and 10.4.3 has made
no difference.  All the latest updates installed.  Have re-installed 10.4.3
from scratch not that long ago.  Not running any add-ons to Safari that I
can remember.  :-)

I'm wondering whether to move to Camino for a while to see if that improves
things (I'll also make sure I have the latest Flash Player and see if that
makes a difference) - I'm interested to know other people's experiences.


ps. I just posted this query to Macintouch where I notice 2 other users are
complaining about Safari hogging the CPU: