Hello Everyone,

Hope you all had a merry Xmas and not too many sore heads today ! ?

A question ( at the bottom )  for some one with the know how ........

My daughter is home from San Diego for the week and we cannot get her
PC laptop to work through a VPN to the Desktop on her PC at work.

Yes ! It's holiday's time but she needs to do this. My ISP has been NO help so far .

We are connecting her Laptop into a Port on my Netcomm1300 Plus4 ADSL modem.
Line runs at 1500 / 256

Laptop will connect to internet and browse quite OK.

Procedure to get to remote Desktop :

Click on VPN connect icon on Laptop
it asks for a Password ....
Password is entered  and the Laptop should access the San Diego site.

A  " connected "    indication shows OK

which should send data into the server at SD and cause the daughter's PC Desktop screen to appear
with a Login screen

We get nothing ... just a blank screen ... !


Laptop is OK, as it will access the remote desktop from my next door neighbour port on 4 port Router/modem ,
also from a PC shop ethernet
and from a Macdonalds wireless connection.

So problem should be due to ISP
(ISP has fobbed us off to their specialist staff who are available Wednesday !)
settings in my ADSL modem.

QUESTION : Does anybody know if we need special settings in the ADSL modem to run the VPN
                        and remote Desktop.

Help would be most appreciated

Thanks in advance
