On 05/01/2006, at 8:35 AM, Rosemary Horton wrote:

Can someone give me a step by step description of how to share files from one computer to another (2 macs..1 powerbook, 1 ibook) ? We both connect to the airport successfully. Really simple instructions please from the beginning, for a relatively new mac user. How would a visitor join the network?

Hi Rosemary,

The first step is: on each computer, go into System Preferences, then Sharing, and turn on "Personal File Sharing". On that page, you'll see, at the top, the computer's name (which you can change), and at the bottom, the IP number (eg, which you may need as an alternative.

Then, on each computer, go to Finder - Go & click on Network. You may straightaway see the other computer appear - you can click on it, click "Connect", and then either log in as a user (it has to be a user that's been set up on that machine), or a guest.

As a guest, you can access all Public folders on the computer.
As a user, you can access that user's Home folder
As an admin user, you can access the whole hard drive.

So, if you have different user accounts set up on the computers, it's best to use Guest access and then put the files you're sharing in your user's Public folder.

Now, if that computer doesn't immediately appear, go to the Finder, click cmd-K (to open the Connect to Server dialogue), and type in


eg afp://

You'll then get the same login dialogue as above.
