on 06/01/06 10:32, Rosemary Horton at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks for all the suggestions from everyone.
> On my husband's ibook, can see my computer ( powerbook)  and access
> by Guest or user. However, on mine, can't see my husband's computer
> at all have to connect using "connect to server"  Setup in sharing is
> same on both!
> Weird!
Yes, that is similar to the situation I had with my two iMacs except that:

- On the old G4 iMac (running 10.2.8)
€ Opening "Connect to Server" searches for and finds the new G5 iMac which
can then be selected and connected to by just clicking the "Connect" button.
€ The new G5 does not show in the finder "Network" pane (either before or
after connecting to a shared volume).
€ After Connecting, the shared volume shows up in finder in the "Computer"

- On the new G5 iMac (running 10.4.3)
€ Initially opening "Connect to Server" did not find the old G4 iMac even
after hitting the "Browse" Button but manually entering its network address
allowed me to connect.
€ Now the old G4 iMac does show up in the finder "Network" pane - giving me
the option to connect to shared volumes.

Rosemary, out of interest what version software is each of your machines

Oh... I've just seen the replies from Greg & Ronni regarding Appletalk - I
was under the impression that Appletalk was an old system & no longer used
so I hadn't looked there - I've just checked and Appletalk was "ON" on the
old G4 iMac but "OFF" on the new G5 iMac so...

1) I turned Appletalk "ON" on the new G5 but nothing appeared to change
2) I turned Appletalk "OFF" on both computers but nothing appeared to change
 In both cases I mounted and unmounted & remounted volumes in both
directions but everything still behaves as noted above.

So I was wondering where Appletalk fitted in here - should I have it turned
on on one, both or neither of the computers and why - what does it actually

While I'm pondering the mysteries of the (Apple) universe.... I did notice
that for both machines in the finder "Network" pane there is a folder called
"Servers" which shows... itself? (Which sort of seemed like taking a picture
of yourself in the mirror - where does it stop?) and on the old G4 iMac
opening "Connect to Server" even finds itself and so seems to offer the
opportunity to connect to itself.... Now, somehow, this inherently feels to
me to be a "BAD THING" (sort of like crossing the beams in Ghostbusters?!)
anybody like to suggest what would happen if one actually DID select the
machine itself as server & then hit connect (just morbid curiosity!)



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137