Hi Ronni & Bob,

Further to my last post, Ronni's solution worked, phew! Thought for one
minute that I would have to re-install the OS.

So for the benefit of other OS X 10.3.9, once you have installed the latest
iTunes update, just trash the old itunes Receipts as per Ronni's
instructions. Worked a treat.

Many thanks again.


on 21/1/06 1:36 PM, Ronda Brown at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> On 21/01/2006, at 12:17 PM, J Philippe Chaperon wrote:
>> I have just encountered a problem when trying to Repair Disk
>> Permission
>> using either YASU or Disk Utility. Yasu just kept going on with no
>> error
>> message, but after 30mins was still not completed.
>> Using Disk Utility, it started OK but after a few minutes gave the
>> following
>> message:
>> "Disk Utility Internal Error
>> Disk Utility has lost its connection with the Disk Management Tool and
>> cannot continue. Please quit and relaunch Disk Utility."
> Hi Philippe,
> Seems as though the iTunes upgrade is causing this problem in OS 10.3.9.
> Some people on Apple Discussions have had good results by trashing
> the old Itunes Receipts from the Receipts folder. Leaving only
> ItunesX.pkg and ItunesPhoneDriver.pkg in the folder.
> The Disk Utility ran fine after this.
> Cheers,
> Ronni