On 18 May 2006, at 3:03 PM, KEVIN Lock wrote:

I have just loaded operating systems onto 10 G3/G4s (donated by The West Australian) for Castlereagh School without any real problems, but the last G4 is holding out on me. Each time I attempt to install OS 10.2 I get a different problem popping up. Sometimes I get as far as installing and the installation stalls after 15-20 minutes; sometimes I cannot even find a destination disk.

I have partitioned the drive into one partition, checked out the RAM (plenty of RAM),

Plenty of RAM ! ?

Why don't you remove all except a minimum single 128 Mb piece
and then try ?

I would guess you have a stick of Ram that is dicey ,
OR     a Ram socket causing problems

IF you are in trouble with that piece of Ram , try another piece ,
And / Or try another socket

ALSO , before doing the above just run Apple System Profiler and see what RAM it says you have in what sockets
It may give you a clue


checked the Pram battery and the pram power-on button, zapped the pram...even changed hard drives with the same results. I have also changed the cable to the HD.
I have used three different installation disk sets.

Time to give up or have I missed something here? Nice machine, pity to dump it.


Kev :-[

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