I have just loaded operating systems onto 10 G3/G4s (donated by The West Australian) for Castlereagh School without any real problems, but the last G4 is holding out on me. Each time I attempt to install OS 10.2 I get a different problem popping up. Sometimes I get as far as installing and the installation stalls after 15-20 minutes; sometimes I cannot even find a destination disk.

I had trouble installling Jaguar 10.2 on my iMac- kept quitting or stallling 5 minutes to go. So I tried a different installing route. To install Panther ( 10.3) onto my Rev A iMac, I removed the HD, installed it into my G4, installed Panther ( which came with the G4), then reinstalled this now working OSX HD back into the IMac - works a treat. My G4 has Tiger on it now. so maybe installing OS X on the HD on another machine and putting that backin the this machine may just work for you
 also the install disk ought to have a hardware test you can run on them

gary dorn
north perth