Yep I tried Neil's way as well. I was certain that on an earlier iteration of M$ Word it allowed text rotation. The rotation tool and tab was greyed out in the 2001 edition.


On 04/09/2006, at 1:24 PM, Neil Houghton wrote:

Yes interesting, I thought Eugene's idea should also work in Word - ie put the Text into a text box and then rotate the text box. However with a text box selected the rotate option seems to be greyed out (Another MS "feature"
?!). Similarly cycling through the text orientation allows normal,
vertically up, vertically down but not inverted - frustrating!

If you want to stick with Word then one way round it is:

-   Create a text box with the text you want to rotate.

-   Select the text box, right click and choose the "save as picture"

- Using some image editor (Preview will do) rotate the picture and resave.

-   Insert the (inverted) picture into your document.

-   Stick some pins in your Bill Gates voodoo doll.

It should be easier, but...

Hope that helps


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Fax: +61 8 9841 6137

on 4/9/06 11:45 AM, Ian Reid at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Can someone tell me if there is a program, hopefully free or cheap,
which allows placing of a block of text upside down at the bottom of a
page, eg. answers to questions in a quiz.

I can't find this feature in Word X for Mac (1983-2001) or the old
BBEdit Lite.

Using OS 10.3.9

Ian Reid

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