On Thu, 2006-09-07 at 11:39 +0800, David Moyle wrote:
> Hey
> Actually Daniel has raised a good point that I forgotten was raised
> in a few chats. If they did update the MacBook (Which there
> guarnteeded todo before the christmas rush) then it will be par with
> the MacBook Pro and technically theres very little between the two.
> The MacBook Pro has better build quality and a few more features but
> apart from that.. 

I predict that the MBP will be bumped in October/November (once stocks
of Meroms are back after the iMac rush), then MacBook bumps will be
during MacWorld SanFran in January (they need at least one hardware
announcement to pad out a 2 hour keynote!).

I'm also hoping that next week Apple announce that at least the UK will
have tv show downloads available via iTMS.  At least that will be
somewhere outside the US that will have something other than Pixar
shorts and music vids :-)

