Thanks for everyone's help with my battery problem.

Seems like I need to calibrate more often.



> From: Rob Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 11:10:26 +0800
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <>
> Subject: Re: Battery/Power Management on Al PB G4 using 10.4.7
> Greg Pennefather wrote:
>> Hi All
>> I have been having an issue lately with using my 1.67GHz AL PB G4 with
>> 10.4.7.  I get a warning that I¹m running on reserve power (just like I
>> always have) but with 9mins or so left the PB just runs out of power and
>> shuts off.  Sometimes it will resume where it left off but it has not been
>> in sleep mode (ie. No pulsing white light) and latterly it has to reboot.
>> It has only started happening over the last month or so ­ not sure if it
>> coincides with my upgrade to 10.4.7.  I updated almost immediately it was
>> released.
>> One of the guys I work with has an iBook G4 and he is complaining of the
>> same thing.
>> Is anyone else having this problem or know what it might be?
>> Thanks
>> Greg
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> Re-Calibrate battery.
> Run your PB without power source until it shutsdown, then plug in power
> source it should glow orange, and charge until power cable glows green.
> Do not use PB until this has happened, and all your problems should be
> solved. Manual explains this should be done periodically I usually
> facilitate as part of monthly maintenance program.
> Cheers!
> =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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