Hi everyone
Sorry to forward this message but a maced colleague needs some advice and I suggested there might be someone in Perth who could help out.
Thanks for your attention!
Yvonne Harrison
Singleton Primary School

Hey folks,
Good friends are travelling around Australia and they are in Perth at the moment. Got a desperate call from the Dad. "If I deleted some photos on my macbook and empty trash - can I get them back?" They are photos of his daughter competing at the National Cross Country Championships in Tassie. He hasn't told anyone in the family yet for fear of being dropped off at the nearest dry salt lake. Anyway - Internet access is very limited for them - (but he can get it). As they are not overly computer literate, I thought maybe the best bet would be to get the computer to a good mac place in Perth. Can anybody suggest one - phone no and address?


Robert Linas
Computer Coordinator thingy
Werrington PS, NSW
Ph: 02 96237077