I am using Virtual PC v7 (WIN XP) with OSX10.4.8 on a G5 1.8 for the few necessary Windows things I am forced into, like E-tax. However, VPC will not release the printer when it quits. Jobs in the Epson printer window are shown as halted and will accept "Start Jobs" but then halt again. I have to do a full reboot to clear it.
Does anyone know of a fix?
A desirable but sadly unacceptable fix is to buy an Intel Mac!
Severin Crisp

                    Assoc Professor R Severin Crisp, FIP, CPhys, FAIP
       15 Thomas St, Mount Clarence, Albany, 6330, Western Australia.
                      Phone  (08) 9842 1950   (Int'l +61 8 9842 1950)
                             email  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
                            Web pages http://www.JennyCrisp.com.au
                               &  http://members.westnet.com.au/Crisp