I have been running Mozilla 1.7.13 on my iMac under OS 10.2.8. Mozilla can 'talk' to all my banks where other browsers can't. However, three days ago I decided to try the more recent version of Firefox, viz 2.0. Previous versions would not perform as required but this version does. I would now like to make Firefox 2.0 my default browser, and clicked the appropriate square in preferences for this to happen. Help for Mozilla said a button in Preferences-Navigator turns on/off the default browser condition. I could not find such a button anywhere in Mozilla's preferences. As a consequence, if I double click on a web address in an email or such, Mozilla grabs it. I have trashed Mozilla's plist file, quit all applications and restarted but no change. Running Repair Permissions gave no joy. I don't wish to uninstall Mozilla just yet, so are there any suggestions as to how I might work around this one?
"Science teaches that we must see in order to believe, but we must also believe in order to see."