
On the Skype out problem, this is almost certainly a call signalling
problem.  The gateway Sykpe is using to connect to the public network is not
recognising the answer signal from you office service provider or not
sending the answer signal to your software.  Given you don't have problems
on other calls, it's probably the former.

So, probably nothing you can do.  This sort of thing can also happen
intermittently because Skype will almost certainly use a mixture of
different carriers in whatever country they interconnect with the public
telephone network.  There may be an incompatibility between the carrier your
work uses and the one of the carriers Skype uses.  So, I'm betting your work
uses a carrier other than Telstra.

Hope that helps.



> From: Glenn Nicholas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 15:45:48 +0900
> To: WAMUG Mailing List <>
> Subject: Skype - how do I switch from speakers to handset automatically?
> Hi all,
> I'm trying out my new Keyspan Cordless VOIP phone as a skype handset,
> off the rack from DigiLife.
> Two questions I am seeking clarification on.
> Firstly, I'd like to set things up so that I can have some groovy
> music playing via speakers and:
> - when a skype call comes in the sound switches to the handset (in &
> out)
> - when I initiate a skype call, audio switches to handset
> Skype already has a setting to suppress iTunes when a call
> activates.  That is good, but as it stands, I have to go to the Sound
> Preferences to switch between USB Headset (for the handset) and the
> internal speakers.  Clunky.  There is an FAQ entry that seems to be
> on this topic, but for Windows only.
> If there isn't an automatic option for this, is there perhaps a
> Quicksilver way to do this?
> Secondly, the handset seems to work in most situations, but when I
> skype out to our office landline I get the following strange situation:
> - skype says - phone ringing
> - office phone - rings, pick up
> - skype says - still ringing
> - office phone says - silence
> - skype says - still ringing ....
> Has anyone encountered this?  I tested skype out to a mobile and two
> other landlines and the ring-pickup works fine.  Its just one
> landline that doesn't work (but maybe others).
> Using OS X 10.4.8 on an iMac G5.
> Regards,
> Glenn.
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