Hi Jude.

>From the FAQ at gracenote:

"I put in an AC/DC disc, but the service says it's ABBA!  Why?

This should be extremely rare. This would mean that the disc in your CD-ROM 
drive just happens to have the exact same TOC as another disc in the database. 
The TOC is the "table of contents", the list of song lengths stored in the disc 
itself. Because of how the TOC is calculated it is extremely unlikely that two 
unrelated CDs would have exactly the same TOC. It does happen sometimes for 
discs with only one track, but the odds of this occurring go down with more 
tracks. If this does occur, just enter the information for your disc and submit 
it as a new disc. "

I guess you've found two examples of this "rare" problem...

Basically - the songs on the CDs have the same lengths as songs on a different 
CD in the CDDB.
This info from Apple explains it as well:

Not sure how to get the Finder to display the correct modification and creation 
dates - this seems broken for the Audio CD I just tried too...
My guess is the creation/modification dates are not stored as part of the Audio 
CD format??



On Wednesday, May 30, 2007, at 10:21AM, "Jude" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>I think the problem might be to do with Gracenotes..? I'll try and be 
>clear about what problems I am having.
>One cd that I initially inserted which was some ads from 6PR came up 
>as a song by the Panics. This song is the only thing that I have in 
>itunes on this computer. Now this cd always loads as a song by the 
>Panics, even though it plays the ads correctly.
>Another couple of cds from 96fm and 94.5fm come up as untitled and 
>play correctly, but in the finder the modifcation and creation dates 
>are the time and date that I insert them into the computer, which is 
>impossible and annoying, given what I am trying to do.
>As a test this morning I inserted a (home made) cd from another local 
>band. The album is called 'Frostfree'. Gracenotes goes to work 
>immeditaly and tells me this is an album called 'Beautiful 
>Imperfections' by Kerry Harvick, which I do not own and have never 
>heard of. It even lists each track by name. Once again the creation 
>and modification dates are today.
>I've got nothing important in iTunes, so I'm happy to dump the lot 
>and start again, but the fact that this is happening on all three of 
>our Macs makes me wonder if it's worth re-installing.
>I have to find out the creation date of these files. I'm at a bit of a loss.

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