Hi Jude,

This Script will let you 'Disable Gracenote'  in iTunes.
"This script will toggle your firewall settings to prevent iTunes from accessing Gracenote's CDDB database when you insert a CD or choose "Get CD Track Names" from iTunes' Advanced menu.
Read Me contains details.

a PDF here: <http://dougscripts.com/itunes/pdf/disablegracenote.pdf>


On 30/05/2007, at 10:20 AM, Jude wrote:

Hi Ronnie - thanks for taking the time to reply. :)

Have you managed to sort this problem out?

Not yet.

If not, have you tried rebooting your computers?

Yes - several times. And I've also tried the laptop (Also on iTunes 7.1.1. build 5, I think)

If that doesn't correct it you could try deleting the iTunes Preference file in
Home > Library > Preferences -  com.apple.iTunes.plist

Quit iTunes first then move com.apple.iTunes.plist to the Trash .... but, don't empty the trash.
Launch iTunes & if the problem is gone you can then empty the trash.

I tried this a couple of times already with no result, so this time I also deleted com.itunes.helper and com.itunes.eq. but it didn't help.

I think the problem might be to do with Gracenotes..? I'll try and be clear about what problems I am having.

One cd that I initially inserted which was some ads from 6PR came up as a song by the Panics. This song is the only thing that I have in itunes on this computer. Now this cd always loads as a song by the Panics, even though it plays the ads correctly.

Another couple of cds from 96fm and 94.5fm come up as untitled and play correctly, but in the finder the modifcation and creation dates are the time and date that I insert them into the computer, which is impossible and annoying, given what I am trying to do.

As a test this morning I inserted a (home made) cd from another local band. The album is called 'Frostfree'. Gracenotes goes to work immeditaly and tells me this is an album called 'Beautiful Imperfections' by Kerry Harvick, which I do not own and have never heard of. It even lists each track by name. Once again the creation and modification dates are today.

I've got nothing important in iTunes, so I'm happy to dump the lot and start again, but the fact that this is happening on all three of our Macs makes me wonder if it's worth re-installing.

I have to find out the creation date of these files. I'm at a bit of a loss.


If you still have the problem ... Quit iTunes and return the .plist file from the trash to it's prior Preferences folder location & you will be asked do you want to replace etc, click 'yes' and your preferences will be the same as you had them.


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