
On 27/07/2007, at 11:52 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 27/07/2007, at 11:06 AM, Rob Davies wrote:

On 25/07/2007, at 10:07 AM, Adam Hewitt wrote:

Do not "bounce" these or any SPAM email. The sender is usually either a bogus account name/domain in which case you are only causing load on your ISP's server, or in the case of viruses the sender is a harvested email
address out of someone else's address book, therefore bouncing it is
returning it to the wrong person.

Bouncing causes no more hassle to your ISP than what has already been caused by this harvested address, and by bouncing the address you have alerted email servers and spam lists not too send anymore. Hence, halting further usage of said address unless of course the original spam was sent individually to specific addresses and not as part of a batch job or cc'd. Either way you should not receive anymore Spam from that address and others within their network, including ISP - network provider.


I agree with Adam .... Do not "Bounce" SPAM emails .... Delete them immediately ... don't click on anything in them!

Pretty much all spam uses fake sender addresses, so that bouncing does nothing but generate yet another unwanted message to an otherwise uninvolved third party. If everybody bounced spam, then that would double the number of unwanted messages out there.

Yes it does create another message, but only the header information is sent back to the address. More importunately though this address is now removed from the spammers arsenal. Hence, one address removed, and eventually ISP's network administrators - engineers would be forced to configure servers more thoroughly. Thus forcing them to become more astute to what is actually running on their networks also.

IT Security is a good website to read for ways to Eliminate Spam from your Inbox.

One is complaining about resending emails again, actually read this paper correctly because it recommends sending more than one and the actual cost factor not just monetary but actual time and testing would be staggering. Use the software as it was originally designed to do and it will relieve most of the pain itself. Actually configure the config scripts instead of accepting a holistic approach, ban the use of HTML email this is the number 1 problem, as spammers not only get addresses, but confirmation some one has received relevant email. Email is a form of a letter - text.

More importantly people whom setup email servers or email clients should stop trying to find simple solutions and correctly setup said servers-clients. So as to stop false email addresses being created on their networks, then blaming others for doing it. Do something about it, augh!... I do not have the time, but obviously have the time to be part of the cause.

Bounced emails on these servers does no more or less damage than it originally created!




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