Hi everyone,

Thanks Matt for pointing out this Web address. After reading the article my
worst fears were confirmed. It's been some time now that I have been
observing the way Apple was going about its business. And yes, it does
appear to me that they are emulating M$ by slowly strangulating 3rd party
manufacturers/software producers.

I have a suggestion for Apple: Use a boa constrictor symbol for their next
version of the Mac OS instead of the usual feline characters. That would
seem more appropriate.

Maybe they are becoming a bit too successful, and hence the 'cocky'
attitude? I intend purchasing a lap-top sometimes in late November, and my
initial thought was for a MacBook, of course, but little by little my
allegiance to Apple is being fritted-away. First was the purchase of a
third-party mouse which is more reliable that the mighty-mouse I purchased
less that 1 year ago and used for less than 3 months. That was the first
time ever I purchased a non-Apple device when there is availabe an Apple
one! And now comes my questioning of the lap-top brand .... Just hoping I do
not fall on the dark side - may the force be with me!!

Have a nice week-end all!

Philippe C.

Peter H., I have not forgotten you and will respond privately once I have
determined what exactly I can do. Whatever it is will be on a totally
voluntary basis though.

on 21/9/07 7:26 PM, Matthew Healey at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> http://www.ilounge.com/index.php/articles/comments/customers-ask-is-
> apple-going-rotten/
> The short version, is that Apple purposefully broke a LOT of third
> party accessories so as to force users to purchase Apple branded
> replacements. Apple seems to be getting greedy these days, and
> personally I don't like where they are going.
> I really do hope I am wrong.
> -  Matt
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