Matthew Healey wrote:
On 22/09/2007, at 9:25 AM, Paul Kitchener wrote:

Am I wrong or are _some_ of the complaints a bit like complaining that new iPods do not have SCSI connectors on them or MacBooks can't connect to BNC network cables and whats with the lack of a floppy drive?

That's not really the case here...

Basically Apple removed functionality from the new iPods that doesn't improve the product in any way. They are simply sticking a toll-booth on the highway so they can collect a tax. They are not improving the road in any way.

Also, the "Made For iPod" sticker is now worthless because Apple broke the spec. All those video accessories that used to work, are now broken on the new iPods.

Hi Matt,

I guess what I'm suggesting is a question; do the old features cause issues with new designs? Could they hold development back?
That is the usual argument against backwards compatibility anyway.
I know there is more to this than just backwards compatibility but it does seem to be the bulk of the issue.

Take the iPod games for instance.
Could it be like the situation we had with OS 9 vs OS X versions of software? As not all the first OS X versions of software were an improvement over the last OS 9 versions, many were identical in function and some even had *less*. However subsequent OS X versions of those software were usually improvements.

All this coming from a 'late adopter' like myself seems too much like hypocrisy so I think I'll get out of the kitchen, till later ;-)


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