I am indeed grateful to Chris and other WAMUGGERS for taking the time to respond.


Tony Wilson
Metal Artwork Creations
27 Ambridge St
Hamersley  Western Australia  6022


Tel: 08 9448 1517
Fax:08 9448 1221

On 16/10/2007, at 9:30 PM, Chris Griffiths wrote:

Hi Tony,

Go to pdfonline.com:


and convert it to a pdf. Then you can read it!


Chris Griffiths

On 16/10/2007, at 8:20 PM, Wilson Tony wrote:

Hi Wamuggers

Any way of opening a Publisher email without the application

Many thanks

Tony Wilson
Metal Artwork Creations
27 Ambridge St
Hamersley  Western Australia  6022


Tel: 08 9448 1517
Fax:08 9448 1221

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