On 16/03/2008, at 3:54 PM, F.W. Hänel wrote:

Hi Group,

what is the secret converting a song in an iTunes playlist from MPEG Audio File to

When I start the "Convert selection to AAC" process in the Advanced pull-down menu some conversion seems to take place and an audio alert tells me the conversion was done - but when I look up the details on that song in the summary it still shows
under "Kind": MPEG audio file and not AAC.
So was the conversion done or not ? Why does it not change to AAC ?

Hi Walter,

I would not recommend converting from MP3 to AAC as you will simply lose quality.
Converting will not improve the quality from what you start with.

1. In iTunes > Preferences
2.Click the Advanced button, then click the Importing button at the top of the window. 3. From the Import Using pop-up menu, choose the encoding format that you want to convert the song to, then click OK to save the settings. 4.Select one or more songs in your library, then from the Advanced menu, choose Convert Selection to AAC (The menu item changes to show what's selected in your Importing preferences)


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