iiNet naked takes a while to settle once initial installation has been complete. Then the next problem evolves when iiNet finally synchronise you over to naked from within iiNet family of old. This issue I am not aware of with those that are new to iiNet. So for first bill cycle there are a few teething issues mainly to do with internal iiNet services, mostly spasmodic disconnection VOIP DSL etc usually sorts out with a recycle of actual DSL modem.

VOIP issues are usually caused by too much load on single connection so allocate High Priority within QoS of modem or firewall server to VOIP (port 5060-5061) and this issue usually does the trick. If all of the above have expired or been tried and it is a continuous problem contact iiNet. Checking if exchange has been worked on, usually iiNet lets one know in advance through support email or toolbox. Again if this is issue it could take a few days for it to settle again.

iiNet support are very thorough in trying to resolve issues, but if problem is not logged it can not be sorted. Another solution I have found for busy or more than one computer networks is to separate, NAT and Firewall from actual DSL modem. Thus controlling network from separate machine Firewall (IPCop,Clarkconnect), or a separate WAP as the Apple Airport or similar device. Although there are many variations for a minimal or no charge it equates to what is required, and if it is necessary.


On 13Jul2008, at 8:41 am, Rick Armstrong wrote:

Hi Aurora
I use a Netgear DG834GV with Naked DSL and VoIP. I have
had some call dropouts with long local calls between 4-5 minutes,
it hasn't been a major issue at this stage for me to contact iinet support as I seldom run calls past this time.
Regards, Rick.

On 12/07/2008, at 10:39 PM, Steven wrote:

Hi Aurora

A friend of mine uses a Netgear DG834GV with Naked DSL and VoIP. I think he has had some troubles with call dropouts etc, but I understand they are now resolved. But the trouble with these things is that you can never tell
whether it's a modem issue, a ISP issue, a line issue, etc etc.

I use a Billion 7404VGP-M with Naked DSL and VoIP, and although I've had some issues, now resolved, in hindsight I suspect that they haven't been
modem related.

Cheers, Steven

On 12/7/08 10:30 PM, "Aurora" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I need some help selecting a modem/router for Naked DSL. We had bought a
Netgear DG834N as it says on the website that it is VOIP but is this
compatible with Nasked DSL as I have heard conflicting reports.

I want to stay with netgear as I have had a bad experience with D- Link and
my companies VPN.

Please help as Iam getting more and more confused and my ISP is just pushing
the Belkin experience.


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