Hi Reg,

For what it's worth, with the OpenDNS servers, I get exactly the same
message (except for the addresses/ports, obviously).

I'm not sure that there is anything else you can do - the article implied
that there were patches that removed the vulnerability and I'm assuming that
the OpenDNS servers were patched and that Internode's now is.

Having said that, I have no real knowledge of the problem/fix except for
what I've already posted!

More knowledgeable persons may care to comment!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 14/7/08 6:36 PM, Reg Whitely at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Thanks for the prompt Neil
> Now I'm told
> Your name server, at, appears to be safe, but make sure
> the ports listed below aren't following an obvious pattern.Requests
> seen for 3b512c0a6a70.toorrr.com:
> TXID=32459
> TXID=13262
> TXID=55513
> TXID=9556
> TXID=62963
> What now???
> Reg
> On 14 Jul 2008, at 11:34am, Neil Houghton wrote:
>> Hi Reg,
>> Well, yes, it makes sense - but have you tried it?
>> Ie, if you had left your DNS settings as per Internodes recommended:
>> Then your primary resolver is and Internode are
>> saying they
>> have now fixed the state-based resolvers accessible by this address
>> - so if
>> you re-try DNS checker then you should get something like the message:
>>> Your name server, at xxx.xx.xxx.xxx, appears to be safe.
>> Whereas before they fixed it you got a message something like:
>>> Your name server, at xxx.xx.xxx.xxx, appears vulnerable to DNS Cache
>>> Poisoning.
>> As I mentioned previously, rather than waiting I had already changed
>> to
>> using OpenDNS servers, as Severin suggested, which did fix the
>> problem - I
>> may or may not change back to the Internode DNS servers (I'm in no
>> hurry) so
>> I can't confirm the Internode fix myself.
>> Cheers
>> Neil
>> -- 
>> Neil R. Houghton
>> Albany, Western Australia
>> Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>> on 14/7/08 10:31 AM, Reg Whitely at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>>> Hi Neil and other WAMUGgers
>>> On 10 Jul 2008, at 3:27pm, Neil Houghton wrote:
>>>> Following was internodes reply, they have issued an advisory online.
>>>> I'm leaving my DNS servers set as the OpenDNS servers for the moment
>>>> while
>>>> they sort it.
>>>>> Hi Neil,
>>>>> Thank you for your support request with Internode.
>>>>> Please see our advisory concerning DNS cache poisoning for the
>>>>> current status
>>>>> of this issue.
>>>>> https://secure.internode.on.net/webtools/advisories/item.html?id=5554
>>>>> If you have any further questions regarding this matter, please
>>>>> reply to this
>>>>> email or contact our Helpdesk by phone on 1300 788 233.
>>> Here's an update from Internode today. doe it make sense?
>>> Reg
>>> https://secure.internode.on.net/webtools/advisories/item.html?id=5554
>>>  Advisory 5554 - DNS security enhancement (cache poisoning
>>> vulnerability)
>>> Severity  Informational
>>> Source  Internode
>>> Start  Wed Jul 9 09:00:00 2008
>>> End  TBA
>>> Summary  DNS security enhancement (cache poisoning vulnerability)
>>> Services  DNS
>>> Areas  Australia
>>> Details  An AusCERT advisory was released today advising of a DNS
>>> vulnerability which potentially allows forged DNS information to be
>>> injected into the cache of a DNS resolver.
>>> This vulnerability has not yet been reported to be an issue in
>>> practice, but the release of information about it requires
>>> appropriate
>>> security action is now taken, to avoid the potential for it to become
>>> a problem in the future.
>>> This issue has potential impact across the entire DNS system
>>> worldwide
>>> - it is not specific to Internode or to Australia. Accordingly, it
>>> does require mitigation by Internode (and all other ISPs) to protect
>>> against the potential of future problems.
>>> Internode takes note of, and responds appropriately, to software
>>> vulnerabilities in Internet infrastructure (such as this one) as and
>>> when they occur.
>>> Internode Engineers are aware of this security alert and are
>>> evaluating the best way to eliminate this vulnerability. Doing this
>>> requires some analysis and care to ensure uninterrupted service is
>>> provided to our customers in the process of addressing the issue.
>>> This advisory will be updated with further information as the work to
>>> do this progresses.
>>> Customers interested in this specific issue may find further
>>> explanation here:
>>> http://www.internetnews.com/security/article.php/3757746/DNS+at+Risk+From+Mu
>>> lt
>>> ivendor+Cache+Poisoning.htm
>>> See also the relevant AusCERT advisory, here:
>>>  http://www.auscert.org.au/render.html?it=9546
>>> UPDATE - 14/7 11:30 CST:
>>> The state-based resolvers accessible by have been
>>> upgraded and are no longer vulnerable to this security flaw.
>>> Customers
>>> using this IP address as their primary resolver as recommended by
>>> Internode will no longer be vulnerable to the DNS cache poisoning
>>> vulnerability.
>>> Work is in progress to upgrade the remaining name servers.
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