Phillip Arena wrote:
 Hi Barry,

 Without being too much of an alarmist, how old are your grandchildren? I
 am surprised to see children quite young (as in 8 and below) using
 mobile phones. Mobile phone companies simply brush off the dangers of
 mobile phones, but they are a health hazard - do your own research and
 you'll find enough evidence to alarm you. I have been concerned for
 various emissions such as electromagnetic radiation and those from
 telecommunication installations for more than 15 years - there's plenty
 of material there to help us make an informed choice; I find it ironic
 that a number of years ago, while the public in the UK were being issued
 with brochures on safe use of mobile phones (including the forbidden use
 for children between the ages of about 5 and 11) in the USA, Motorola
 signed a multi-million dollar contract with Disney to provide mobile
 phones to a similar age bracket. If anyone has any doubts on the dangers
 of mobile phone emissions from either base station towers or the phones
 themselves, speak to any armed forces communications officer. In New
 York city, they have been removing trasmission antennae from residential
 apartment blocks.

Ironically removing phone towers means that mobiles then have to use more power to communicate with them. Better to have many lower power towers...

More dangerous is the likelihood of someone running into you in their car while talking on their mobile phone!

 I carry a mobile phone for emergencies and NEVER leave it switched on
 next to my body for long periods. It's also not hard to find recent
 statistics on the number of car accidents caused by using phones whilst
 driving as compared to the benefits of having a mobile in a dangerous

I'd guess that you don't use wireless internet either? Or mains power 240V at 50Hz?


Have fun,
Shay (living dangerously)
=========================== Shay  Telfer ================================
 Perth, Western Australia   Technomancer  The love of liberty is the love
 Opinions for hire              [POQ]     of others; the love of power is        fnord     the love of ourselves - Hazlitt

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