The satellite images of Perth, at least in my area, are over 5 years old - I can tell from my own backyard. I moved here Jan 30 2003 & a month or so later enclosed half the backyard for my cats - the satellite photo shows no enclosure, so must be prior to March 2003.

Street view of my place is definitely taken sometime after the beginning of 2007, likely summer (either 2007 or 2007/08) from the early morning shadows.

Also found there is almost no coverage of the whole Bellarine Peninsula in Victoria, virtually one main road from Geelong to Torquay only.

And if you look at the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir, where one of my sons lives, they have covered some roads but not others; ie his house is near a T junction - the other road is covered, but not his. I can see the junction of his road & the first 2 houses, but not his house which is the 3rd in the street. Looking at the "blue lined" street map of the area, quite a few streets have been missed.

Also found the satellite photos are not always accurate in pinpointing an address. My other son lives in London, & Google Maps marks his place a whole block away from its actual location - I've stayed there 3 times & know the various features of the area, so can pick out the actual corner it's on.


On 6 Aug 2008, at 10:46 AM, Neil Houghton wrote:

I sort of noticed the opposite round here.

The Street view photos are obviously much more recent than the satellite

So you can have the surreal situation where the street view is showing a house while the photo pointer on the satellite view shows you are looking at
open space, with no signs of a building to be seen.

It would be interesting to know the photo dates, at any particular location,
for both the satellite images and the street views!!


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 5/8/08 8:21 PM, Barb Zahari at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Not all .. Breamlea on the Bellarine Peninsula (south Victoria), where
my sister lives, doesn't have any "blue-lined" roads;
ie I can see the position of her house marked on the map, & I can see
her actual house in Google Earth, but no Street View.


On 5 Aug 2008, at 5:55 PM, Reg Whitely wrote:
Rats, the car is on the wrong side of the road. That means it was
travelling north. We were travelling south and we overtook it. That
means they were going south too (!). Have they done all of Oz?


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