On 14/08/2008, at 8:50 AM, Jude wrote:

No - it's fine to start them up after the computer. You should really 'eject' them before removing the cable though. Right click on the disk icon and select 'eject' or just drag the icon over the trash, which should turn into an eject symbol, then drop.

Once the HD's icon is gone from the desktop, it's OK to remove the cable.

Over the years many people have had firewire port failures .

Some have been software related ,
others have been power related causing a total failure of the port .

This white paper has a good summary of the subject :-


Personally for my own protection i AVOID connecting and disconnecting
the firewire cable  to a powered up external firewire enclosure .


as Jude said ,   do not turn off the power to the external enclosure  OR
unplug a firewire cable while the external drive is mounted on the desktop .

You risk corrupting the hard drive driver by doing that ... usually requires
disk warrior and or disk utility action to recover .

Have fun


In the olden days one would turn on external HDs and printers before booting up the computer. With USB that seems to have gone by the wayside. However, in a recent topic on WAMUG dealing with external HDs and firewire a remark/question was made or put regarding having connected and started up the external firewire HD before booting the computer. Is this the recommended approach? I use a portable firewire connected HD for my backups (powered by the computer). I just plug in and update. Could I be courting disaster?
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