Hi Bob

>> What is the best Data recovery software on the Mac?
> Data rescue ||  gets good reports.

Year a good couple people have recommended to me I just thought I'd
ask there's anything better out there

> go here for a good price 
> <http://eshop.macsales.com/item/Prosoft%20Engineering/25100/>

I'm pretty sure I got it cheaper than that through their MUG program

(More information on this for GMUG members at our next meeting)

>> Which is happy as he will not lose 420GB Of Data
> Careful :  You don't know what corruption might be in there   ! ?

Year probably spoke little too soon on that one

> Do you have any clue what may have caused this problem ?

Yes 24-hour Torrenting Once a month with the computer overheating last month

> Could be dicky hard drive or power supply OR Power OFF while in the
> middle of a process

When I noticed it was reading very slow from the hard drive making
Everything very slow then I realised it was overheating and shut down
The computer properly than when I tried to start up after everything
cool down nothing

So as I did not have enough free hard drive space on my current
external hard drives I had to order some more extra external hard
drives in As well as some Apple care as I realised I only had two
weeks Left on my warranty

Say it's been a very long and annoying process taking about among them
three weeks

> Unless you can explain it do NOT trust anything on that Mac until you can
> build a history of trouble free ops.

I will most likely get it looked over by a Apple service technician
after I have recovered my data

Which was the plan all along as I really did think the hard drive had
completely failed not to mention overheating issue which seems to be
not present any more

Regards Kyle

Kyle Kreusch (Webmaster)
This e-mail was Dictated Using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 9

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