On 19/09/2008, at 11:37 PM, Matthew Healey wrote:

On 19/09/2008, at 8:41 AM, Matt Huitson wrote:

An update may or may not be imminent, but Safari 3.1.2 still works with paypal. Just click the "cancel" button instead of the "ok" button on the warning dialogue box and proceed as normal. According to paypal, Safari is prone to phishing attacks. Plenty of stories on the web as to whether or not that is true.

Safari is not prone to phishing attacks.... stupid people are prone to phishing attacks.

Don't blame the nail gun... blame the moron sticking it up his nose.

Hi Matt,

I agree 'partly' with what you say here. People certainly have to be very aware of fraudulent URL's & links in eMails and take extra precautions to avoid being caught. For instance, don't click on a Link in an eMail, always check the full URL of a web site to make sure it is the Legitimate Web Site.

But, Phishing is getting very sophisticated & the 'Phishers' (the Bad Guys) are getting smarter, so the more careful Internet users have to become.
If you don't take extreme care you will be caught!

"Should Safari have anti-phishing features? Sure, it should. Should you stop using it today because it doesn’t? Not at all—as long as you’re willing to exercise “safe clicking” practices. Even if you use an anti-phishing browser, however, these practices are recommended— there’s just no way any one browser can keep up with the scope of malicious activity out there on the web. So regardless of browser choice, you’ll be much safer and happier if you exercise safe browsing techniques."
End of Quote:
Above Quote taken from: <http://www.macworld.com/article/134851/2008/08/safariphish.html?t=101 >

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