Thanks Daniel. Had a read of those sites. The problem does sound similar to mine, but I couldn't follow the fixes proposed. The solution makes reference to deletion of a "URLMount (from old Mac)". I do have a URLMount folder on both MBP and MB, but not a "URLMount (from old Mac)" on either. I did however back up the data on the MB from Time Machine, and then once I got my MBP back from repair, I transferred the user (me) from the MB to the MBP using Target Disk mode. So it must have something to do with the problem it seems.

By the way, when I use the "Connect As.." function, eventually I get this error message...

"Connection failed. The server may not exist or is not operational at this time. Check the server name or IP address and your network connection and try again".

Both MB and MBP are accessing the network just fine, and as mentioned earlier, the MBP can access the MB.

Cheers, Steven

On 31/10/2008, at 1:18 PM, Daniel Kerr wrote:

On 31/10/08 5:59 PM, "Steven Knowles" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a MacBook Pro (MBP) and a MacBook (MB) both running latest OS.

With File Sharing turned on for each machine, the MBP can connect to
the MB, but the MB won't connect to the MBP.

From the MB, I can see the MBP listed under Shared Devices. If I
click on the MPB icon, the main windows says "Connecting...". But it
never connects. After a couple of minutes it says "Connection Failed".
If I click on the "Connect As.." button, it just goes through the
"Connecting..." process again.

Any suggestions as to what may be the problem, or how to fix it?

Cheers, Steven

Hi Steven

A quick google search using the terms Network Sharing "Connection Failed"
will give you quite a few results.

Some of it suggestions if you migrated data from a backup or time machine backup from another computer, then some of the network files can be wrong. Some people corrected by doing an "Archive and Install" whereas another article <> which then points to the Apple Support site < >
suggestions removing a file and letting it "Reset" it.

Try that and see how you go.

Kind Regards

Daniel Kerr

Phone: 0414 795 960
Email: <daniel @ macwizardry . com . au>
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