Steven, Is the Contact you have made in Address Book on the iBook, reflected in your online MobileMe Account under Contacts?
i.e.: Has it synced to MobileMe online "cloud"-servers?

I just had a quick look at Apple discussions and sounds like you are not the only person having sync issues at the moment. Apparently Apple Engineers are aware of the problem and they'll fix it, eventually.

Some people have had success Resetting their sync data. NB. If you try this make sure you have a backup first as resetting your sync data deletes all the synchronised data from the other location. You can just replace 'Contacts' in the Reset Sync Data - Replace pop- up menu, if that is the only problem sync you are experiencing.

I have not experienced any problems syncing to my devices or my computer, but some people have.


This is worth a read:
< >


On 09/11/2008, at 3:59 PM, Steven Knowles wrote:

Thanks Ronni. This is the problem though - I add the contact on the iBook, do a manual Sync (several times now), but still the new contact does not reflect on the MBP, despite having also forced a manual sync on the MBP also.

Just checked the MBP again - still no contact added. That's why I'm thinking there must be something else.

Cheers, Steven

On 09/11/2008, at 2:08 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 09/11/2008, at 4:51 AM, Steven Knowles wrote:

I have a MBP and a G4 iBook both running latest OS, and each set up with a MobileMe account (the same one), and each set to sync contacts. If however I add a contact on the iBook, and Sync the iBook, and then sync the MBP as well, I just don't see the added contact in Address Book from the MBP.

I've checked and double checked all the settings in the MobileMe system prefs. Contacts is ticked in the Sync panel of each Mac, and everything else looks fine.

Any other clues as to what might be the cause?

Hi Steven,

When you add a Contact in Address Book on the G4 iBook your computer does not send that data immediately to the MobileMe servers. At best, your computer checks in with MobileMe once every 15 minutes (unless you sync it manually)—and in some cases
the delay is much longer.

You should see the added contact on the MBP eventually, but not straight away.
MobileMe does push sync, but it's not push from end to end - yet!
Apple has indicated that we should expect push updates from Computers to the "cloud" at some point in the future, but for the time being, it's only push from the "cloud" down.


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