Hi Dave,

I'm not I. T. but as a medical specialist I run Genie on a fleet of Macs.

There's no reason why your friend can't run an all Mac network, I have for three years - BUT in saying that I lie, I do have a WinDoze server handling both email and offsite WAN type logins. This is because, and I think this remains true to this day, incredibly there is no Mac based software which will allow multiple simultaneous offsite client logins. This means that if your friend wants to, say, take secretary on one laptop and him on another laptop off to a satellite clinic and run off the network then it is mandatory that a Windows computer exists somewhere on the base network in order to run the multiple client sessions required. My other "server" is an old G5 handling the actual medical database.

This sticks in my craw to this day but when I last checked was a reality that even the Mac people at Genie agreed on.

Failing this if your friend only needs to log on one machine remotely (at max) then an all Mac network will do it. Genie fed me into what sounds like the same Mac phobic firm that it sounds like your friend was offered. It has been, ah, a love hate relationship, despite lack of specific Mac knowledge the techs are actually really good on their IT which is what it mainly relies on. The Boss is another matter entirely. Naming no names.

However when I complained about this firm to Genie and asked for another name they gave me Dan Kerr. I'd try really hard to get hold of him this week before caving in to the Other Firm.



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