I'm sure this is straightforward, but I haven't done this before, and with time not on my side at the moment would love to avoid a few hours worth of frustration.

I'm running Leopard 10.5.6.

I currently have a MacBook Pro on which a folder sits, and other Macs access this folder over the same wireless network. So I have that bit nutted out. At least I think I do because it seems to work okay. I have File Sharing switched on, and for the folder in question is marked as a shared folder.

I now want to allow a remote user access to this same folder (but no other folders). This remote user is not on the same wireless network, but does have internet access. What do I need to turn on or check at my end, and what does the remote user do to access the folder on my MacBook Pro (also running 10.5.6 on an iMac)? Is it a separate application that must be launched on the iMac? Or can it be done via a web browser?

Cheers, Steven

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