
Interest in this project has been amazing. I will make every effort to set up a couple of Macs with Leopard for least one by the 23rd. I have a number of B&W G3 towers running at around 400mhz which will run Leopard quite well.

Keep on my case as there have been so much interest that I have forgotten what I have said to individuals.



Hi Kevin
I live in Greenwood, quite a way from you. However I do go to Fremantle
every six weeks where a Mac could be deposited. I am there next Monday 23rd.
I teach basic computing and email/internet at Craigie Baptist Church on a
volunteer basis. We have 6 old Windows machines running XP and one G4 iMac,
the coloured variety with Tiger. I run the 2 four week courses with a non
Mac helper and we charge $4 a week to cover stationery,internet connection
and morning tea. So far I have taught 3 people on the Mac. (This was donated
to us by Joondalup MacWorx)
Unfortunately the Mac does not have a working CD drive and I have to use
Text Edit for word processing.
If you have a Mac which would enable me to expand the word processing part
of the courses that would be very helpful. One Mac would be enough although
2 would be very handy as I often get couples wishing to learn.

On 19/2/09 12:07 PM, "KEVIN Lock" <> wrote:


 we live in Bibra Lake, but 'have car can travel'.



 Hi Kevin
 What suburb are you?

 On 19/2/09 11:25 AM, "KEVIN Lock" <> wrote:

  I have a heap of G3s and G4s which I have prepared for donation to
  needy individuals.  I have plenty of 64mb ram sticks and ask that
  listers might look in their cupboards for any sticks of ram 128mb or
  better which they might wish to donate to this project. (SD PC100  or

  A flier I made up is on our blog here...



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