On 18/04/2009, at 11:30 AM, Barry & Leith Johnston wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 11:24 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 11:16 AM, Barry & Leith Johnston wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 11:03 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 10:55 AM, Barry & Leith Johnston wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 10:37 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 18/04/2009, at 9:07 AM, Barry & Leith Johnston wrote:

Good Morning everyone. I have just received a new memory stick and can't remember how to format it. Have system 10.4.10 Imac 7.1
Any ideas ???
Thanks   Barry Johnston.

Hello Barry,

What size Memory Stick is it?
Is it  USB 2 speed bus thumb drive?

Usually thumb flash drives are already formatted asMS-DOS (FAT32)

When the thumb drive is mounted, open Disk Utility in Applications > Utilities and select the thumb drive in the left hand pane. At the bottom of the window what format does it claim the drive is?


Thanks Ronni. The dialog box that comes up is called Toshiba TransMemmory Media. The bottom of the window gives Disc Description, Connection Bus, Connection Type, USB Serial No., Total Capacity, Write Status, SMART Status, and Partition Scheme. There is no mention of the format. I did however see the format somewhere else(can't remember where I saw it now), which said it was formatted as MS-DOS (FAT32). Where to next!!!!

Thanks   Barry

Hi Barry,

Click on the volume of the drive (under the Toshiba Media) in the left hand pane.

Have now clicked on the volume of the drive and the format now comes up as MS - DOS File System (FAT32). I notice that there are four points to go to on the top of the window. First Aid, Erase, RAID and Restore. When I click on Raid there is a section called Volume Format, and there are a number of options. One of the options is Mac OS Extended (Journaled). Is that the option I should use and is that the way to reformat the memory stick??

Many thanks    Barry

Hi Barry,

The File Format MS-DOS (FAT32) is correct, you don't need to reformat the memory stick, it is already formated.

If you need to erase any files that you have put in the flash drive at any time, you click on the Volume (to highlight it) and then the "Erase" tab ... then click the Erase button (beside "Security Options") at the bottom of the window.

Always make sure you Eject the Memory stick correctly before you unplug it from your computer.


Thanks very much for all your help Ronni. I will leave the format as it is. I always thought that you needed to reformat in a mac format if you are using a Mac machine.

Hi Barry,

Some early Thumb Drives were formatted NTFS, a Mac was able to read these NTFS formatted thumb drives, but could not write to them. Most Thumb Drives today are formatted FAT-32, you might find some FAT-16, which a Mac can read and write to both formats.


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