Hi Chris,

Re: you not receiving WAMUG emails, have you checked that your ISP is not blocking any emails?

Re: The External USB Harddrives. In Disk Utility, what format it is already formatted to?
Applications > Utilities > Disk Utility ...

Are you wanting to use the external drive on Windows, or with Time Machine, or just on your Mac?
For Windows, you would need to format it MS-DOS (FAT)
For Time Machine & Mac Computers you need to Format Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) & Partition
GUID Partition Table or Apple Partition Map.
(GUID for Intel Macs or any Mac running 10.4 or later or Apple Partition Map for PowerPC Macs running any version of Mac OS X)


On 26/05/2009, at 1:06 PM, Chris Burton wrote:

Hi wamuggers

I dont seem to be receiving many emails from the group and are not sure why. I have had dramas with my isp, oceanbroadband down here in busso over the last month or so.

I have a quick question regarding the small usb harddrives. I looked at a couple of 500gb drives at hardly's this morning and neither of them mentioned being compatable with Mac OS. The seagate in particular had no info at all. Will that be a problem at all, or should I just plug it in and use it? I thought I might have to format in OS X?

kind regards to all


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