Two points of interest !

1. Note new Snow Leopard only for Intel Macs leaving most of us as usual behind on Apple upgrades &

2. A friend has just aquired & demonstrated to me a future must have toy which does for Video cameras what iPods did to Walkmans.
A bunch of Apple "Gooks" who developed the iPod for Apple have left & started new Start up Company "Flip Video" Check out >( )< Basic large chunk initial development finance from Cisco & now being manufactured in China by same companies which make Apple products. Solid state memory, Digital etc. Small as an ipod, 1 button On/Off self focusing comparitevly cheap but at present only available in USA & Canada. Any body travelling that way please let me know & I'll provide the money to buy "cos "I want one. Direct plug in to your computer & instant download for teen generation Face book fans. Also being grabbed by "NGO's" & journellists for quick easy recording. Excellent battery life etc. Ciao Phi
Have fun

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