Hi Susan & Peter,

Taken from "iPhone 3G S: What you need to know":

"The relevant numbers are 256MB RAM for the OS, double that of the 128MB in the original iPhone, and a 600MHz processor, up from the pedestrian 412MHz of the first two models. The added RAM alone probably makes a huge difference — if you have ever added memory to a Mac you’ll know how much OS X loves it some extra gigs to play around in.
And that processor neatly leapfrogs the second-gen iPod Touch’s 532MHz."


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.5.7

On 23/06/2009, at 8:18 AM, Susan Hastings wrote:

Hi Peter, after reading your email, I did some playing around with my iphone with the 3.0 update, and notice that it is speedier, although I don't play games on it, so didn't have that as a way of testing.

Launching applications and downloading web pages is definitely faster. I downloaded a movie to the iphone, and it was faster than on my laptop using the same wireless network. Here in China I listen to audio books, and notice that I have extra control, a 30sec back flip and the ability to play at different speeds, and there may be other subtle improvements like this that other people notice with other apps.

I was just reading the Macworld review of the new iphone where it mentions the speed increase, but it would be interesting if they compared the iphone 3g running 2 and running 3 - perhaps the speed increase is due to both the hardware and OS.

I haven't noticed a change in the battery life so far.

cheers, Susan.
On 22/06/2009, at 8:40 AM, Peter Hinchliffe wrote:

Now hat I have been running iPhone 3.0 for a whole weekend, I have to relate that it feels as though I have a new phone!

For one thing, battery life has been greatly extended. Although my iPhone gets charged in my car while I'm driving, I am nevertheless used to seeing more black than white in the battery status bar at the end of the day. This weekend, the battery status bar has been full or close to full since Friday. At one point I was suspecting an aberration following the update, so I tested it by playing a few games which I know chew though the battery in short order. This did nothing more than shorten the white status bar by a very small fraction.


Speaking of games, the ones I tested were ones which also take a long time (30-60 seconds on iPhone 2). The longest of these took no more than ten seconds to load with iPhone 3.0.

Running Speed Test (from Speedtest.net) showed download speeds of up to 6.19 Megabits/sec. The best I could get under iPhone 2 was 2.03 Mb/s, and generally a lot slower than that (below 1.0 Mb/s)

Are others' experiences the same as mine, or has the download simply cleared out some lurking bugs and I'm just catching up to everyone else?

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