Thanks Susan,

By the time WAMUG Mailing list came back on, I had found the answer to my query ;-) "If you have wifi and 3G turned on, it will try to connect to wifi first. Failing that, it will default to the 3G network. If that's turned off, it will just use GPRS."


On 03/07/2009, at 4:30 PM, Susan Hastings wrote:

Hi Ronni, it just means that if you have an iphone locked to Telstra you can only use their 3G service, including data. Wifi is entirely separate. I have an iphone3G locked to Telstra, it can use any wireless network because that's just like connecting your computer to wifi.

cheers, Susan.
On 03/07/2009, at 12:45 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hello WAMUGers,

Today I received a phone call from a Telstra representative (my current contract expires with them on 30th July '09). We got talking the new iPhone 3G S and he was continually pressing the point that Telstra is "Australia's largest, fastest and most reliable 3G network". He then sent me an email with Telstra's new iPhone Plans. I'm interested in your opinions on these plans in comparison to other carriers please.

Telstra's monthly included data download is terrible I think, $5 for the $30 & $40 plans which equates to 5MB of Data ... excess data charged at $1.00/MB ... yikes!

And then there is this in Telstra's -Things you need to know:
1. iPhone 3GS and iPhone 3G are configured to work only with the wireless services provided by Telstra.
Does this mean you cannot access any other wireless network?


Optus still seems to have the better plans. I have stayed with Telstra all these years for its better coverage, but I'm seriously contemplating a change of carrier for an iPhone 3G S. "Telsyte principal research analyst Warren Chaisatien says Optus has again released the "most aggressive" iPhone plan prices, increasing data allowances for the internet-savvy phone and introducing plans with unlimited phone calls and messaging.

Optus iPhone 3GS plans include the company's popular $59 plan with data boosted from 500MB to 700MB a month and so-called "timeless" plans with unlimited calls and messaging starting at $99 and including 1.5GB of downloads."

" And Telstra is the only carrier not to offer iPhone tethering, allowing use of the iPhone as a modem."

<,28348,25717048-5016091,00.html >

How I'm interpreting the information Optus 'whops' all over Telstra ... or am I misinterpreting the information?

Of course 3 Mobile have not yet released plans for the iPhone 3G S. Expected in the coming weeks. Which might not give me enough time as I only have to 30th July to decide if I extend my contract with Telstra for another 12 months :-(


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
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OS X 10.5.7

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