I'm a little paranoid about backup, having worked in IT, and also having to restore after disk failures from a backup.

For my home computer, beside TimeMachine backup, I also backup to an external drive idrive.com where there is a free 2GB, or for $50pa a massive 150GB. You can set it to automatically backup every hour, or every day, or once a week.

A minimal backup system, the basic requirements are to cater for a disc failure (ie, have an easy way to restore your disc data), and also theft (or fire) (ie, have an offsite backup).

    Cheers  ... Clyde

On 05/07/2009, at 4:16 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 05/07/2009, at 2:39 PM, Warwick Gaff wrote:

WOW? I don't know how to respond to that one. Windows is just a corrupt piece of software waiting to fall over. When I used to work for a school years back we constantly lost data from our backups and ended up teaching
our staff members to backup themselves. WOW!

It's nice to know people still care enough though to help these people out. Not all companies would let an outsider come in for just one person (unless
it royalty).

Even on Apple Computers it always amazes me that people don't "Backup" their important data regularly.

The Company knows my reputatation is beyond reproach, and I had told them I would only target my search on JPEG files, not any other data. Even so ... The Manager sat beside me and watched the whole procedure ;-)


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