Same happened with my other half to be honest, I got her an unlocked iphone and she put her voda sim in which i didnt know did not have a data plan (i've had a data plan for years.. didnt even know they came without them!) and she got charged somewhere in the order of $180 for mobile data usage over a few weeks.. She's on a $10 data plan now i believe :)

Craig Bruce

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On 22/07/2009, at 1:56 PM, Mike Murray wrote:

Hi muggers

All you iPhone-savvy people can switch off here, but for those who are still thinking about getting an iPhone, here's some feedback on my experience...

I'm new to smartphones, and I got my unlocked 32Gb 3GS iphone from Apple online store on July 11, opened it up, put in the SIM card from my 6310 Nokia, synced it through iTunes and away it went. The phone battery was even charged, which I didn't expect.

Played around over the next few days, downloaded some apps, made some calls, tried out the GPS, looked at websites, etc. Most of that was through the Wifi network at home, but some through the Telstra network and other Wifi networks that the phone found readily. The overall experience was superb, highly recommended.

Went away for the weekend with a bunch of friends to Banksia Springs near Dwellingup which is a mobile dead zone, and showed it off...I think I've sold three more now. Went for a walk in the bush and came within a weak signal range so used the GPS (which is excellent, although slow downloading).

Yesterday I got curious (and a little nervous) about the costs I was incurring so I went to the Telstra website, worked out how to access my account, found the page called 'my data' which has a neat little table showing every time the phone had accessed data. The table listed one line item where I'd spent $23.32 and about a dozen others between 50 cents and 2 dollars. Total, about $30. I thought, a well I can live with that. Then I noticed it was page 1, with a next button beside it. In fact there were 4 pages, totalling $116!!!

I searched the website and finally found that the mobile plan I was on ($30 a month) did not have a data component so I was being charged the GSM casual rate, which is 22c flagfall plus 2.2c/Kb. That's $22 a Mb!!! The phone says I've dowloaded 6.2Mb and uploaded 550Kb, so there's a rough correlation.

So today I raced into Booragoon and bought a vodaphone SIM with a 200Mb data package on a 6 month contract for $30/month, ported the number across and hopefully have stopped the bleeding. It works fine so far, so I'll see what the experience is like over the next little while

A key issue here is the number of times when the phone accessed the Telstra network while I was at home close to, but obviously just out of Wifi range. Is there a way to safeguard against inadvertently accessing the phone network if you don't want to?

And the moral of the story? Keep an eye on your useage, know what you're being charged and I can now understand those horrifying stories of people racking up hundreds of dollars without realising it. At $22/Mb it's not hard to do!


Mike Murray and Lesley Silvester
East Fremantle
Western Australia

Tel 08 9339 8078
Fax 08 9339 0519

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