Hi again Severin,

On searching through my 40GB Documents folder (I'm hopeless at filing, my filing system is "Not Good", even Spotlight has trouble finding stuff)! I found another document that had a weblink which shows you how, with pictures, to do what I explained below. If I had found this first it would have saved me a lot of typing (and typing is another thing I'm "Not Good" at) ;-(

Here is the link: <http://iuseapple.com/blog/apple-how-to/advanced-os-x/2007/10/29/how-to-install-leopard-from-external-firewire-hard-drive/ >

Have a good week-end. Cloe asks you to keep Tilly warm & dry.


On 07/08/2009, at 5:11 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

Thanks for those clear, explicit steps. Seems the way to go for he future, when the dust has settled!

On 07/08/2009, at 4:58 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:

On 07/08/2009, at 4:19 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:

In my trawling the help pages during my trauma of earlier, resulting in a clean install and restore from TimeMachine, I came across the suggestion that one should clone the Leopard DVD on to the Time Machine disk and then use that as a start up disk. That would not have helped me today as I could only boot from a DVD but it seems like a neat idea and presumably the basic Leopard install would be faster.
Has anyone else come across this and will it actually work?
Severin Crisp

Hi Severin,

The way you can do this as I have done this but not on a Drive that has Time Machine (I don't use Time Machine): I'll followed these instructions "How to clone the Leopard Install DVD to an external FireWire drive"

First Clone the Leopard DVD as a DVD/CD Master with no encryption, and saved the image to the Desktop:
1. Insert the Leopard DVD into my MacBook Pro
2. Open Disk Utility
3. From the DU contextual File menu select New: Disk Image.
Two levels appear for the installer DVD in the column at the left side of the DVD: I selected the second level ("Mac OS X Install DVD") so that I could choose File > New > Disk Image From [weirdNumber] (Mac OS X Install DVD). I specified that I wanted a DVD/CD Master with no encryption, and saved the image to the Desktop, naming it LeopardInstall.cdr. (you could probable name it something else).

4. When the disk image has been created (something under an hour later), I ejected the DVD and proceeded to prepare the external FireWire drive (still using the Leopard Disk Utility). I partitioned the external FireWire drive into two, one a 10GB partition, the other encompassing all the rest of the drive. My intention here is to use the small partition to hold the bootable installer image, and the large partition to receive Time Machine backups from now on. Since this is an Intel machine, and because I wanted to simulate the conditions of users who have no PowerPC machine, I specified that I wanted the GUID partition scheme. (That is not the default; you must summon the Options dialogue if you want to set it.) I did not install the Mac OS 9 drivers.

5. When the external FireWire drive had been partitioned, I selected the newly created small partition in the left column of Disk Utilities (still using Leopard Disk Utility). I switched to the Restore pane. Into the Source box, I dragged the saved disk image from the Desktop. Into the Destination pane, I dragged the newly created smaller partition of the external FireWire drive from the left column of Disk Utilities. I did not check the Erase box. I pressed Restore and the clone was created.

When the clone had been created, no system was visible on the FireWire partition. But then, no system is visible on the original DVD either. Still, to make sure everything was okay, I used the Startup Disk preference to specify that I wanted to start up from the cloned partition on the external FireWire disk, and rebooted.
Sure enough, I found myself in the installer.


17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
OS X 10.5.7

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