Heyy, great idea James. I was punching the air for a moment ... however ... I checked out the range of conditions, and there isn't one that I can see which enables you to effectively state "If message is flagged then...". Mail seems to acknowledge the relevance of flagging a message if a message meets certain conditions, but doesn't allow you to recognise a flagged or unflagged message as a condition in order to implement an action :-(

Cheers, Steven

On 26/08/2009, at 8:43 AM, James Devenish wrote:

Hi Steven,

2009/8/26 Steven Knowles <emai...@knowles.net.au>:
With the rules on two Macs accessing the same IMAP email account, I suspect that the rules will be applied twice, with the result being two copies of
the email being sent to other email addresses.

If you're flagging messages on the server when the rules are applied,
then configure a rule that skips over flagged messages?


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