Hi Bill and Susan

I tried the option Bill suggested but I can't get the NEF files into Elements at all. The only Bibble Labs software I could find is $89.

Re the Adobe software, I can't get that to work either, maybe I'm not operating it correctly but I have spent many hours trying..

I notice that my raw files are 10MB and jpegs are 6MB so perhaps 6MB is enough. Any thoughts?

On 05/10/2009, at 5:18 PM, Bill Parker wrote:


I use Photoshop Elements ( version 6) to convert NIKON RAW (NEF)s. Just go into PE and Command O, select file and you'll get a pre-processing option wherein you can do some basic manipulation like exposure, colour temp etc. Otherwise Bibble Labs offers a free product (which is easier to use then PE).

On 05/10/2009, at 5:04 PM, John Daniels wrote:

Hi Wamuggers
Does anyone know of a Mac program available to convert the Nikon NEF (RAW) files to ordinary RAW. It seems that iPhoto will read them but not Photoshop Elements.

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Dr Bill Parker

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