Also, if you've ever done a "Migration" from another machine to your
"current machine", then the Network name will follow as well.

For example. If I had my old MacBookPro and it was called DKMacBookPro and I
cloned this to my new MacBookPro, then connected it to the wireless network
to run updates, the new machine would then have the same name as well, ie
DKMacBookPro. So what it has to do (as it can't have two computers on the
same network), so it renames it to DKMacBookPro (2).

This doesn't sound like the case here, but I'm just putting forward that
information so people know as well. ;O)

But yes, it's normally with multiple connections on different networks but
the same machine (eg Airport and Ethernet). It can sometimes come from a
router reboot or something similar where the Network things that the old
name "is still there", so resets it again.

There was a way to reset it via Terminal with a "permanent" set, but as
mentioned you had to do that in Terminal. I found it on google somewhere, so
would need to refind it if anyone wanted.

Hope that helps a little.

Kind Regards

On 8/10/09 4:41 PM, "Ronda Brown" <> wrote:

> Yes, Severin I only have the SuperDuper clone connected when I'm
> actually updating the clone.
> I do this weekly, so I'm sure it hasn't changed every time.
> I will take notice next time if the computer name changes when the
> clone is connected, and if it stays changed after disconnecting the
> clone.
> Something is causing The System to "think" there is more than one
> computer with the same name on the Network.
> Ah well, I've got to get back to serious work ;-)
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> On 08/10/2009, at 4:25 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>> Yes, I went via the Edit button.  I do have a SuperDuper clone on an
>> external Firewire disk, normally powered off except when I am
>> actually updating the clone.
>> Severin
>> On 08/10/2009, at 4:14 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>> Hi Severin,
>>> Same with me I didn't have a "Previous Systems" Folder and only
>>> ever connect by Airport, all computers that connect in this house
>>> connect wirelessly, never by direct Ethernet connection.
>>> When you changed the Computer Name in System Preferences > Sharing,
>>> did you click on the "Edit" button to change the -2.local?
>>> My Computer's Name is Rons 500GB HD & beside the Edit section it is
>>> Rons-500GB-HD.local
>>> When I noticed it had changed to Rons-500GB-HD-2.local
>>> I just went into System Preferences > Sharing  and in Computer
>>> Name: changed it back to Rons 500GB HD.
>>> It was listed as Rons-500GB-HD-2 or (2) and in the edit section as
>>> Rons-500GB-HD-2.local
>>> So I just clicked on "Edit" & changed it to Rons-500GB-HD.local and
>>> voilà the (2) was no longer.
>>> The only reason I can think might have caused this is after I had
>>> my SuperDuper "Cloned" Rons 500GB HD connected.
>>> I wonder if the system then thinks there are TWO computers with the
>>> same name on my Network, and as you cannot have any computers with
>>> the same name on your Network Š it changes one?
>>> I hate it when I cannot find the exact reason why!
>>> Our President Peter H once said to me & I quote ... "It's nice to
>>> be able to find an exact cause, but resolution is an adequate
>>> second best option :)"
>>> When I find some time, I'll do some fiddling around and see if I
>>> can get it to happen again  ... I want to find an exact cause ;-)
>>> Cheers,
>>> Ronni
>>> On 08/10/2009, at 3:21 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>>> That's interesting Ronni.  I have no "Previous Systems" folder.
>>>> On the G5 I do have a direct connection via Ethernet to a router
>>>> and an installed Airport but not running.  The laptop communicates
>>>> wirelessly via Airport Extreme which goes into one port of the D-
>>>> Link ethernet router.  A desktop G3 iMac is into another port on
>>>> the router while all three computers access a Laser printer which
>>>> is plugged in to the USB port on the Airport Extreme.  I have not
>>>> done any plugging in or  unplugging or swapping that I can recall.
>>>> Interestingly, I have changed the name again in Sharing - it still
>>>> comes up as Sevs G5 (5) there but the message  ".... can connect
>>>> as... "  is now correct as "Sevs G5"  as it was before.   Very
>>>> curious, no real drama, just a little annoyance and puzzlement!
>>>> Severin
>>>> On 08/10/2009, at 1:55 PM, Ronda Brown wrote:
>>>>> On 08/10/2009, at 1:42 PM, Severin Crisp wrote:
>>>>>> My computer is named "Sevs G5" and has been for a long time.
>>>>>> Recently, I noticed in Sharing that it is named Sevs G5 (5) and
>>>>>> the accompanying message tells me that other users can connect
>>>>>> using  Sevs G5-2.local  which proves correct, and Sevs G5 by
>>>>>> itself no longer works.
>>>>>> What is going on?  Leopard 10.5.8.
>>>>> Hi Severin,
>>>>> This happens when the system detects two computers with the same
>>>>> name on the same local network.
>>>>> You can change the computer name and get rid of (5) in system
>>>>> preferences->sharing.
>>>>> I've had it happen to me before. Some people think it happens if
>>>>> you have a "Previous Systems" Folder on your HD, others say it
>>>>> can happen if you have both Airport and Ethernet connected, or
>>>>> switch between them (like unplugging a laptop from Ethernet and
>>>>> then using Airport)?
>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>> Ronni
>>>>> 17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
>>>>> 2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
>>>>> OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard
> Cheers,
> Ronni
> 17" MacBook Pro Intel Core 2 Duo
> 2.4 GHz / 4GB / 800MHz / 500GB
> OS X 10.6.1 Snow Leopard
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