I've been on Telstra Cable for around 10 years. I don't have any tech problems any more. Downloads can be pretty fast but uploads are slow which is bad if you Skype videoconference.

The major problem is the cap. 12 Gb doesn't allow much and I see deals advertised everywhere even on the backs of buses with ISP's with more.

I would change for those two reasons. But an advantage is that it doesn't require a phone line which I don't need.

"No cap on our sushi"

On 10/11/2009, at 9:36 AM, Tim Law wrote:


I've signed up to move to Telstra Cable internet as their deal came out a bit cheaper than iinet, and I was seduced by 'indications' of 70mBs. It's using the same cable that was laid in my street a few years ago by Foxtel. We used foxtel for a short while, so their box is on the wall and I expect the hard wiring install shouldn't be too hard. They will install a wireless
router with four ethernet connections.

I have been very happy with iinet's speed and service and there is more than
a touch of anxiety about moving to Bigpond and their administration.

I've got 2 PowerPC Macs on airport running 10.5.8 and one iMac PowerPC on 10.5.8 that will need an ethernet cable to the new router, or they will provide a wireless USB dongle to suit. I've also go a PC laptop running

Has anyone had experiences with Telstra Cable internet and Mac households
that are worth me knowing about?


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