Hi everyone. I have a problem that has just started and is driving me crazy.
iMac OS 10.5.8

After waking from sleep it freezes. Can¹t shut down, can¹t force quit, can¹t
do anything but cut the power and then re-start.

I think this may be related to MS Entourage. (I know!!   - But it has worked
like a charm for years.) I recently applied the MS upgrade which said would
work better is Snow Leopard. That may be a contributing factor.

The freeze seems to occur if Entourage is left open when the computer goes
to sleep. This morning I had let it sleep for about 30 minutes and woke it.
When I clicked on the desktop I  lost all the desktop icons except the Mac
HD. Then everything froze. If it is an Entourage problem why should I loose
the finder functions?

Occasionally I get the spinning wheel for ever.

I searched the internet and found that it is a common problem but no

So far I have: 
run Disk Repair form an external disk,
trashed all MS preferences,
trashed the finder preferences,
cleaned the system caches with Leopard Cache  Cleaner,
Checked the system with TechTool Pro (reports nothing).

I have now set sleep to "never" to prevent the problem and turn off all
applications before sleeping at the end of the day.

Any ideas please? 


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