Greetings Wendy,

I don't have any experience with Joysticks, but as Michael Waldie has 
recommended Logitech.
I have heard good reports on Logitech's high-end Flight System G940 hands-on:

What I wanted to warn you about is Time Machine & X-Plane 9.

By default, OS X 10.6 Snow Leopard & Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard & is set to 
automatically back up the entire hard drive using Time Machine. This includes a 
user’s X-Plane directory. Most users would prefer not to have this backed up, 
due to the fact that it demands a significant amount of space (for something 
already backed up to DVDs) and generally also comes with a performance hit.

For this reason, it is recommended that users disable Time Machine while 
installing X-Plane, then re-enable it after telling it to exclude the X-Plane 
directory from its backup. This can be done using the following instructions:

1. Before installing X-Plane, choose System Preferences from the Apple Menu.
2. Click the Time Machine icon.
3. In the window that appears, turn Time Machine off.
4. Install X-Plane according to the previous instructions, noting where it was 
installed to.
5. With X-Plane installed, open the Time Machine preferences as before and 
click the Options button.
6. Click the + button to add a folder to the “Do not back up” list and select 
the X-Plane installation directory.
7. Click the Done button and turn Time Machine back on.


> Greetings All
> Can someone please advise a Joystick for X-Plane 9.   Thomas bought a Saitek 
> X52 Pro and we have now discovered that it really does not work well with the 
> Mac (it will do the basic functions but not all the stuff we paid lots of 
> money for) so it is going back.  Any advice welcomed by Thomas.
> Thank you.
> Wendy
> Wendy S. Austin
> 211 Bathurst Street
> Hobart  Tasmania  7000

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