Yes, thanks Joe ­ I currently have a mix of WD and LaCie and I¹m also
looking to have some ³cloud² back-up/synch for more critical stuff.



Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063

on 13/12/09 7:22 PM, Joe Mastrella at wrote:

> Greetings!
> If you are using or are planning to use multiple external HD make sure to
> purchase HDs from different manufactures. Our club in California suggested to
> our members that two external HD backups was three times as safe. Some of our
> members purchased Western Digital (WD) HDs. Unfortunately WD had a batch
> (large amount) of faulty drives shipped to the western US. You can see where
> this is leading. I keep a  64 MG flash drive for very important backups of
> files generated that day. Our data is important to us, be it photos, video,
> music or documents. When you lose a terabite HD, It's a traumatic experience.
> Be careful how you configure your back up strategies.
> Cheers, Joe
> On Sun, Dec 13, 2009 at 6:30 PM, Dark1 <> wrote:
>> Hi Neil
>> There shouldn't be any problems running Office with rosetta.  Generally most
>> apps run fine in SL with the exception of a few niche ones.  In terms of your
>> backup system I'd advise you to get another hard drive (quiet cheap these
>> days) rather than running with partitions because if your HD has a mechanical
>> failure you'll lose all the data on every partition unless your prepared to
>> pay vast amounts of money to have it fixed.
>> There are lots of SL updates available so you should check for them on any
>> app that you have trouble running.
>> I don't think there's any real benefit in having EyeTV recordings on a
>> separate partition since you can backup specific folders or, in the case of
>> Time Machine, omit your EyeTV folder from backups.
>> In terms of running your apps from a separate partition they should function
>> fine but you'll lose a bit of performance since your HD will have to read
>> from 2 separate locations on the disk to access the Apps and your system
>> files.  You could always add a "10.5 Apps" folder to your Applications folder
>> and copy your old apps across there then move them out as you get them
>> working with SL.
>> Hope this helps a bit
>> Ruben
>>> >
>>> > Hi all,
>>> >
>>> > I just got a new 27"iMac i7 (Merry Xmas to me!) and The first question
>>> from
>>> > she-who-must-be-obeyed was "why do you need a new one - the old one is
>>> only
>>> > 2 years old - what are you going to do with it?!"
>>> >
>>> > Peace and harmony was restored when I pointed out that the old windows
>>> > machine that her Mum uses was so slow you kept thinking the thing had
>>> > crashed and how nice it would be to pass on the nice shiny 24" iMac to her
>>> > (coincidentally it would also be nice to have access to a nice Mac when we
>>> > visit her in Perth - which we do fairly frequently).
>>> >
>>> > So far, so good. However the new machine obviously came with SL and not
>>> all
>>> > my software is SL compatible, also after many successive migrations and
>>> > system upgrades I decided it would be nice to set-up SL slowly from
>>> scratch
>>> > with regard to applications and user data (rather than just migrate
>>> > everything from the old machine to the new machine).
>>> >
>>> > I am also wanting to re-organise my document/data filing sustem as I
>>> intend
>>> > to incorporate some form of cloud back-up/synchronisation using something
>>> > like iDisk or Dropbox (or both) as both an extra layer of back-up
>>> redundancy
>>> > and as a convenient way of keeping some data synched between my desktop &
>>> > laptop computer.
>>> >
>>> > I thought I had come up with a good plan - since the new machine had a
>>> > whopping 1TB HD, I would partition the HD in 3:
>>> > - Partition 1 with a nice fresh SL installation.
>>> > - Partition 2 with a clone of my current 24" iMac HD
>>> > - Partition 3 (I just want my EyeTV recordings and video on an extra
>>> > partition to suit my back-up regime)
>>> >
>>> > As I saw it, I could then pass the 24"iMac on to the mother-in-law (as
>>> > everything was now on partition 2 of the 27" iMac) and slowly set-up the
>>> SL
>>> > partition as I wanted it, whilst still being able to boot-up the 27" from
>>> > partition 2 (running 10.5.8) and essentially have all my apps and settings
>>> > just as they were on the 24" without any worry as to what was SL
>>> compliant.
>>> >
>>> > Now, many of the gurus out there will have already spotted the fatal flaw
>>> in
>>> > my strategy - it appears that I can't actually boot up the new iMac in
>>> > Leopard! - it seems to require SL!
>>> >
>>> > I have now passed on the bad news that I will need to hang onto the old
>>> > machine for a while longer until I am happy that everything I need is SL
>>> > compliant, or upgraded, or substituted - in general I do not foresee too
>>> > much of a problem - I am happy with the move to SL and happy to upgrade
>>> > programs such as Parallels & Reunion - my main bugbear will be MS Office
>>> > where I have not upgraded from Office 2004 to Office 2008 because MS
>>> killed
>>> > off VBA and I use quite a few macros.
>>> >
>>> > However, to get to the point (finally, I hear you say!) what I was
>>> wondering
>>> > was how will everything go if I boot up in SL (partition 1) and attempt to
>>> > run my old applications from their current location in the applications
>>> > folder on partition 2 (the cloned Leopard folder) - this would only be an
>>> > interim thing - as I confirmed that things ran OK under SL (with Rosetta
>>> if
>>> > necessary) I would then install the apps in their correct location (the
>>> apps
>>> > folder on partition 1).
>>> >
>>> > The idea would be that everything I wanted/needed would be gradually
>>> > transferred from partition 2 to partition 1 (in the case of
>>> data/documents)
>>> > or installed on partition 1 and then deleted from partition 2 (in the case
>>> > of applications) and any old/obsolete stuff just deleted from partition 2.
>>> >
>>> > I would obviously set up the new SL installation with the same accounts as
>>> > the old Leopard installation - to minimise any permissions problems with
>>> > accessing the old user folders on partition 2
>>> >
>>> > When everything is off partition 2 I would clean/erase it and use it as a
>>> > second media partition.
>>> >
>>> > However, I am aware that OSX can be a bit picky with where you put certain
>>> > things - so I was wondering if I was likely to run into any particular
>>> > problems in the interim as I gradually move stuff of the old partition to
>>> > the new one?
>>> > --
>>> > Neil R. Houghton
>>> > Albany, Western Australia
>>> > Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
>>> > Email:
>>> >
>>> >

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