Hello all

Many thanks for all the suggestions and hints.

I have done lots of research and learnt heaps about usb mics!!!

I borrowed an iMic from a friend and tried out my very basic Logitec mic but was not happy with the sound quality.

I have now settled on a "Blue Yeti" which was released last year to rave reviews. It does just about everything but cook dinner!!!
Probably over the top for what I need.

I located one in Melb and am now having great fun recording the voiceover for my first iMovie DVD. Beautiful, rich sound!


Marlene Oostryck

On 13/02/2010, at 10:33 AM, Ronda Brown wrote:

Hi Marlene,

Eugene is correct the line-in connection isn't the same as a mic jack. The line-in requires a pre-amp of some kind before any audio will be detected.
You'll need a USB headset.

If you want to stick with Logitech they do have the "Logitech Clear Chat Pro USB Headset". You can purchase through the Apple Store Australia for $89.95 Free Delivery.


Shop around, you might find a better price at a local shop.


On 12/02/2010, at 5:47 PM, Eugene wrote:

Hi Marlene,

I have had this problem with some mics. Here is possibly the reason:

"Modern Macintosh machines DO NOT HAVE A MICROPHONE PORT! They have a Line-In Audio Port. In common terms the different is a microphone port has power on it. A Line-In has no power on it is level so devices have to be self powered (like turn tables, external music reorders, etc.) Apple did this because the Macintosh is Huge in Music Circles. So your best bet would be to go to your local electronics store and get a USB microphone port."

My own solution was buying a USB headset with a microphone.........

                  <(null) 4.tiff>

On 12/02/2010, at 5:18 PM, Marlene Oostryck wrote:

Hello all

I am new to Mac (Oct 09) but have had many years making very successful digital stories using Photo Story 3 on PCs. I changed to a Mac (the best decision ever) and am now making my first DVD with iMovie.

I have - iMac 24" 2.66 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (10.5.8)

All has gone very well to date - have edited 1700 photos in iPhoto, selected 220 for my first DVD in iMovie, put in Ken Burns effect, have written a script to go with the digital story and am now having difficulty recording a voiceover using an external microphone.

I can record using the iMac in-built microphone but am not happy with the sound quality and would prefer to use an external mic:

Logitech ClearChat stereo (with headphones ). (checked on a PC - is working correctly)

I have plugged the external mic into the "audio In" and the "headphone" ports on the back of the iMac.

I have also reset : Apple/Systems Preferences/Sound/Input/Built-in Input.

I have searched Mac Help, my Mac books and Google but have not been able to come up with anything.

Any advice would be appreciated.


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Marlene Oostryck
Ph: 9430 8006

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