Hi David,

Regarding the permissions to check external mail - I had much strangeness
with this after, I think, a MS Office update (or maybe migrating accounts -
they both happened around the same time).

Prior to the problem manifesting, all my email passwords (several email
accounts) were in my login keychain - but somehow some of them got "lost" so
Entourage asked me for the passwords again (just some accounts!). After
giving the passwords, they were now stored in the
"Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates" keychain and I kept getting asked for
permission to use this keychain - at first this was a panic as I didn't have
the password for this keychain - until I worked out I could just hit OK and
away it went.

I then started noticing other strangeness - other internet passwords were
now being put into the "Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates" keychain - it
took me a while to notice that, if I opened Keychain access, the Microsoft
keychain was in bold - it then twigged that "something" had made the
Microsoft keychain my default keychain (hence the "bold").

I made my "login" keychain the default again and then re-created the
keychain items in question (including the problem email passwords) in my
(now default) login keychain and deleted these items from the Microsoft

This took a bit of trial and error for me - at first, I tried to just "move"
the keychain items - but I was asked for the password to the Microsoft
keychain and just hitting OK didn't work then (from memory) I tried "copying
and pasting" the item from one keychain to the other and also just "opening"
the item and using the info to create a new keychain item in the login
keychain - these approaches also sometimes asked for the password to the
Microsoft keychain but seemed to accept just hitting OK.

Now all is back to normal, new passwords go straight into my login keychain
and Entourage retrieves the passwords from this keychain without further

In hindsight, I can see that all the problems must have come from the
changeover of the default keychain from login to Microsoft - which I suspect
was done by some MS update - just a pity that I did not notice that this had
happened at the time!

This may or may not be related to your problem, but it would be worth
checking Keychain Access to makke sure that your default keychain is still
"login" and not "Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates"

If this turns out to be the problem, the solution has two parts:

1) Change the default keychain back to "login"
2) Move/copy/create the relevant keychain items in "login" rather than in
the Microsoft keychain.

The easiest is "moving", next easiest "copy and Paste", then "create a new
item" - but it depends on if you can do it without the password to the
Microsoft keychain - I found it all a bit inconsistent as to when it
required this.

I also found that the one item I created from scratch didn't initially work
- even though all the (visible) info was the same as the one in the other
keychain - but running Keychain First Aid sorted that out OK - in hindsight
I would just run this before and after changing any thing (to be sure).

Other (more knowledgeable) folks may have a more succinct procedure for all
this - as I say, there was a bit of trial and error on my part - but it did
get the job done!!

Hope that helps.


Neil R. Houghton
Albany, Western Australia
Tel: +61 8 9841 6063
Email: n...@possumology.com

on 5/3/10 3:51 PM, David Paul at david.p...@uwa.edu.au wrote:

> Hi
> My employer has just forced us onto Entourage because they have shifted to a
> MS Exchange server. After over a decade of happily using Eudora and then
> Mail what a backward step!
> Apart from a headache from trying to work out which is THE inbox (why have
> two???) having to repeatedly give permission to to check my external mail
> despite already having done this in keychain, no ical events in the new
> supposedly integrated calendar in Entourage, ... What could be better!
> This has prompted me to update my Macbook pro  from 10.5.8 to 10.6 so I can
> go back to using Mail and try its ability to link to MS Exchange Server - I
> hope it works well as entourage is not, in my view a clean user
> friendlyprogram. I mean you can not even drag and drop an email into a
> folder but have to go through two drop down menus. How efficient and time
> saving is that!
> Anyway does anyone have experience using mail in 10.6 and MS Exchange
> server? There seems to be a bit of chatter about it not always being a
> smooth ride or setup so some tips and cautions would be appreciated.
> Regards
> Dave
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